Mashaallah. Its Ramadhan already! Isn't it amazing how fast time can fly..
As usual, I think Ramadhan is the best month in the whole year. Sure we have to starve for few hours but come on, the iftar delicacies beat everything! So divinely goooooooooooooooooood!
*ALERT rojak bahasa starts here*
And I love Ramadhan because I no longer have that excuse to blame Tsabr and Khanzab. So if malas nak solat tu, memang salah sendirilah. Bukan sebab Khanzab ke Khatijah ke. Memang salah sendiri. Bulan Ramadhan ni lah boleh tengok roughly how strong is our Iman. ^^
And of course not to forget, the raya shopping! Seronok!! I'm planning to buy more kain nak buat baju kurung tapi entahlah sempat siap ke tidak nak bawak sambung degree.
OH HA!!!
I dapat offer Pengurusan Hartanah from UiTM.
On hiatus explaination : If you read my post of 100 things about me before this, you will know that I have commitment issue. Really. Big problem for me. That's why lah I tolak bila Channing Tatum ajak couple. Takut dia terluka nanti. Kahkahkah...
So, korang selamat berpuasa okay? Puasa penuh tau! Kecuali kepada yang MC tu..tahniah la sekarang. Tapi takziah lah nak menggantinya nanti. Lagi banyak dugaan. Haha.
I will try my very best to keep on updating this blog, as often as I can. Peduli ape aku ade orang bace ke tak. Yang penting aku hepi. Assalamuaalaikum earwax! Hahahaha