Tuesday, February 26, 2013


so you want me all "belonged to--" you kind of person?


have a life, people that boast about their ego carry nothing but loathe from their surrounding and possibly themselves. you have to change. i know all that shit about being Louis Vuitton and Berkins but let's be realistic. THOSE BRANDS OFFER AMONG THE MOST COPIES!

so all those egoistic shit they're trying to flaunt so proudly of, well....you know where this ends dont you?

it's not wrong with being private because i understand since i am privatistic person myself, i believe in privacy very strongly, but its not wrong to shine someone else's life with brighter attitude and a smile you know. instead of an attitude that eeeeeeeeverybody hate. even yourself.

if you see a stranger, giving you hard dead on stare, smile.
it'll either shocked them they'll scurry away, or worst scenario : they'll smile back.

if you see a stranger in need of help, help.
or at least act like you're concern.
for all you know, they could be some rich person acting low or even if they're not rich, hey, at least you helped someone. doesn't that make you a hero?

if you're a man in public transportation, and there's a lady old/young/pregnant/whatever,
offer them your seat. if you're standing, offer them some space.
be a gentleman. its the gentlemen season nowadays. all girls are hot for them.
dont be that guy who purposely lands on a lady to brush your body with hers. what satisfaction will it brings? none.